Thursday, April 08, 2010

Happy Easter

Hello! Happy Easter everyone! How was your Easter celebration?

I had a wonderful Easter though we missed the holy Thursday mass because I have read the mass schedule wrongly. When we arrived at the church, everyone was leaving the church.
This is my first Easter here in Philippines. I feel great for I was able to experience how this country observed the holy week and Easter as the majority population is Christian Catholic. Before I moved here I could only follow the news in the newspaper.

The holy week started with Palm Sunday. On Palm Sunday, we went to church in the morning. We had to buy a beautifully decorated palm leaf for 20 Pesos each. This was for the
first time I had to buy the palm leaf for my palm Sunday celebration.

On Holy Thursday, many companies and shopping malls shut down for 2 days to observe Holy Thursday and Good Friday. I went to wet market to buy some stocks enough for the 2 day shut down. When I was in the wet market, I noticed not many people bought meat. They all crowded the fish market because they were not supposed to eat meat on Holy Thursday and Good Friday. Even the local TV channels had no show to observe this event.
Personally for me, the 2 day shut down has been a wonderful opportunity to spend time with my husband and my children. We went for swimming everyday. We also went to church everyday. 

For Easter mass, we joined the 10pm mass. Thank God the children were cooperating for the 2 hour mass. Both of them were asleep in the mid of the mass. My husband carried the big one, while I carried the small one. Since our hands were full, we couldn't join the Salubong procession. This was our 1st time watching The Salubong Procession started in front of the church. The Salubong procession is a tradition in Philippines to mark the beginning of Easter. It's usually done before the Sun rises. But at this church, it was done right after the mass which was at midnight. I saw the big statue of the risen Jesus Christ was carried on top of a
small truck with many flowers decoration on it. The 2nd truck, also decorated with many flowers, carried the image of the sorrowful mama Mary or it is called Mater Dolorosa which was covered. I was told that during the procession there were little girls dressed as angels that would open the cover. I saw there were many girls dressed up like angels. I didn't know that they would be the ones to open the cover on the Mater Dolorosa's image. Many people walked behind the trucks to follow the procession carrying candles on their hands. I was not sure how long they had to walk. I went home immediately passing through the procession. I felt bad but honestly I could not join while carrying my children. I hope next year I will be able to join. This is one of many Easter traditions in the Philippines. 

When I arrived home, I still had to stay awake until 2am to finish making Easter basket for my children to do the egg hunting on Easter Sunday celebration at the clubhouse of our subdivision. On Easter Sunday, my little girl was invited to egg hunt at her friend's house. So I accompanied her to attend the egg hunting party.
Then in the afternoon, I took my children again to attend the beach-yard egg hunting Easter party in the clubhouse. This was our 1st time to join this kind of party. My children had a blast trying their best to dive in the pool and collect as many eggs as possible but unfortunately, they had no experience yet, so they only managed to collect the least amount of eggs :) But they were still happy because they had a packet of marshmallow each for the consolation prize. And then, during the Easter Basket competition, my son's basket won the prize for the design originality. It was a woven basket I made from old newspapers :)
My children were very happy with the event. They continued with swimming in the clubhouse swimming pool until dinner time. I was very happy too with how things turned out to be. God is always good every time. Thank you for saving our lives. This was the happiest
Easter I have ever experience.

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